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Setup needed for online lessons

  • A fast internet connection with at least 25mbps speed. Please check your speed at

  • Use a laptop (preferred), tablet or phone

  • A laptop can be placed on a desk, piece of furniture, chair or music stand. If using a phone or tablet, please purchase a proper stand for your device, e.g. a tripod or a special bracket mounted on a stand. The device needs to be angled down towards the piano. Balancing the device on a makeshift platform, e.g books is to be AVOIDED please! 

  • Install (or open) Skype on your device (or similar if Skype not possible)

  • Go to Skype profile and let Grant know your Skype name. Organise a quick Skype session with Grant to test if all is working ok

Camera placement

Place the laptop to the side of the student so that the full keyboard plus their hands and body are visible to the teacher.


Camera placement

If using a tablet/iPad or phone, choose landscape or portrait position, whichever is suitable.



Mondays to Saturdays

10am - 7pm



Grub Mountain Music Studio

38 Firefly St

Pelican Waters Qld 4551



Business name: Grant Arnold

ABN: 42819435628


  • Facebook Lessons page

© 2024 Grant Arnold

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